The Koninklijke Nederlandse Pharmaceutische Studenten Vereniging (Royal Dutch Pharmaceutical Students’ Association or K.N.P.S.V.) is the umbrella organisation for pharmacy and (bio-)pharmaceutical students in the Netherlands. If you are a member of G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” from Groningen, L.P.S.V. „Aesculapius” from Leiden, U.P.S.V. “Unitas Pharmaceuticorum” from Utrecht, or the “VCSVU” from Amsterdam, you are automatically a member of K.N.P.S.V. This offers various opportunities such as internships, conferences, exchange programs, and international collaborations.
Bringing together these different associations creates a strong bond among students from different cities, providing a great chance to meet one another and explore new cities. Each year, the board of the K.N.P.S.V. comes from one of these cities, and this year we are from Leiden!

The 122nd board of K.N.P.S.V.
Anne-Maartje Dolmans - President
Isis Borst - Secretary
Sven Martens - Treasurer
Lieke van Megen - Commissioner of International Affairs
Anton Klaassen - Commissioner of General Affairs
Along with fostering connections between various cities, the K.N.P.S.V. also focuses on professional development. We have close ties with professional associations, including KNMP, VJA, NIA, (Jong)NVZA, and NVKFB. These partnerships give students a chance to explore their future career options. For example, the Snuffelstage (one-day internship) program, created in collaboration with these associations, lets students spend a day in a public pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, or the pharmaceutical industry. Curious about what a day in Research & Development looks like? The K.N.P.S.V. can easily arrange that!
Click here for a link to the K.N.P.S.V.-Website and check out all our activities and committees!