The K.N.P.S.V. is the umbrella organisation for all (bio-)pharmaceutical students in the Netherlands. It was founded on May 22, 1903, as the “General Dutch Pharmaceutical Students' Association” (A.N.P.S.V.). At the time, it was the umbrella association for the student associations “Luctor et Emergo” (Amsterdam), L.P.S.V. „Aesculapius” (Leiden), and U.P.S.V. “Unitas Pharmaceuticorum” (Utrecht). In 1905, G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” also joined the A.N.P.S.V. Due to academic restructuring in the early 1980s, the pharmacy program in Amsterdam was discontinued, and with it, “Luctor et Emergo” disappeared. This left the A.N.P.S.V. with three departments. In 2003, when the A.N.P.S.V. celebrated its 100th anniversary, it was granted the right to use the title ‘Royal’. Since then, our beloved association has been known as K.N.P.S.V., a name we are proud of, as we are the only study-related student association that may carry this title! Since November 14, 2020, the Vereniging van Chemie Studenten aan de Vrije Universiteit (VCSVU), the association of pharmaceutical sciences in Amsterdam, has been a member of K.N.P.S.V., bringing the total to four departments once again.